If you publish Flash games in some capacity and would like to fund further development based on this prototype, don't hesistate to contact me at nathan_AT_icecreambreakfast.com.
Mouse: Tap a spark to begin painting.
'f': fullscreen, 'escape': leave fullscreen.
'm': mute/unmute sound (not in fullscreen)
GOAL: Uncover the canvas before running out of strokes. Earn extra strokes by uncover a lot of the canvas with a single stroke.
Please wait for this to load - there's no progress bar. Click the flash app a few times to give it input focus.
There's no way to restart, so press F5 to refresh the page to play again.
How to Play Well
Tap near a spark. A paint brush will descend and paint across the canvas surface. The brush then paints to the nearest spark if close enough. Once accomplished, it paints to the next spark if close enough. This continues until no spark is close enough. If enough sparks get painted in one tap, you earn extra brush strokes.
Design Notes
Casual Games Constraints
&emsp This prototype took the constraints of mobile devices, touchscreens, and casual players in mind. So, it has touch/mouse interaction, no real-time pressure, short rounds, and so on.
Success to Continue
In this prototype, play continually exhausts a limited resource, but successful play generates more of that resource. Every Extend is the first game that drew my attention taking this approach so explicitly. In Every Extend, a player's only attack is killing themselves by exploding, but their explosions cause chain reactions. Long explosion chains earn extra lives. But this idea is at the heart of several old arcade games, where big scores, earned by risky play, give extra lives. See Pac-Man or especially Robotron. This prototype explores that relationship, with painting a stroke using a limited resource, but risky strokes, which you fail more often, generating extra strokes. This is a powerful game mechanic pattern. It sharply foregrounds risk versus reward choices.
On Art
I would love to make games teaching players about paintings and visual art. Game mechanics and rules lead player attention, focusing repeatedly, even repetitively, on variations of patterns that players couldn't stay interested in otherwise. This is a powerful tool. But if I can't, maybe someone else can make such games for me. I'd love a game to use tons of works from great masters as content for such a game, much like Guitar Hero used rock songs as levels.
This game points vaguely in a direction like that, but only vaguely.