Download the Flash file for the Fairview Horror here (right click and then select save as) !
How to Play Well
Decide if you want to get to the base before the zombies, or if you want to kill them off. These choices require different strategies. It's better to kill the zombies if you're up for it, though it is harder. You'll get more money that way. To kill zombies, make sure to use stand ground. When you do, your damage will go up considerably for a time (but you'll stop running). It will also reset your action delays, so you'll be able to attack again immediately. So it can be smart to use an area attack like the axe, then hit stand ground and use the axe again. A similar approach is useful for the shotgun, although it only hits enemies who have gotten past you. Make sure to be ready to use the shocking attacks, too - those are the only consistent way of stopping enemies who have made it past you. And make sure to pick up objects on the ground, too!
Design Notes
Game Style
Be sure to read the write up for Racing Comrade for observations about this game genre.